Friday, May 05, 2006


Things that made me happy on Tuesday:-
1. Singing - one of my friends once described it as a physical incarnation of happiness...well it does the trick for me.
2. Waking up not feeling hungover and slightly tired
3. An apple

Things that made me happy on Wednesday:-
1.The beautiful weather
2. Seeing an unfeasibly blosssomed pink cherry tree (I nearly wrote cheery tree then) on the way to work - bizarrely positioned outside New Scotland Yard. But it was the tree itself and not the juxtapostition that made me happy.
3. Can't think of a third...

Things that made me happy on Thursday:-
1. Having a very peaceful prayer time
2. Sushi
3. The way that the heat transformed Streatham Hill into a small Mediterranean town complete with open windowed cafes and passagiata.

1 comment:

ArkAngel said...

Welcome to the Experiment - nice diverse start...
JE is doing it on paper while he's travelling and will join us on his return