Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Mouse moment

I am sitting on a bench outside Kenwood house, slightly set back from the sandy path. An Irish woman appears beside the man and woman sitting just forward and left of me. She is exclaiming about a mouse she has just seen, along the benches to the left which are out of my sightlines. She hates mice, she tells the couple on the bench (I don't think she knows them). Then her husband appears at her side. He looks like a cartoon mouse. Big front teeth. Long nose. Thin face. A cap right out of the Aristocats. The man of thr bench couple surmises that it was perhaps her bright red shoes which attracted the mouse. She said she had seen a rat at her feet at the nearby cafe once. "Perhaps it's a baby rat" she muses. "No, it's a mouse" says the mouse husband.

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