Friday, September 07, 2012

The Best Games Ever - Today's Happiness Experiment entry

The penultimate night of Athletics in the London 2012 Olympic Stadium including:
* Jason Smyth winning his second Gold for Ireland in the 200m
* Oskar Pistorius running an elegant 400m heat
* A Canadian visually impaired 5000m runner waving heart-warmingly from the podium [he just walked past the train queue just now as I'm writing and got a big cheer]
* The Angolan, French and Brazilian pairs of visually impaired and sighted runners jumping and dancing on the podium together

A spontaneous gathering of singalong Parklife on the way out

Policemen doing the lightening bolt, soldiers being congratulated and Gamesmakers joshing through loudspeakers on the way out to round off the friendliest and best Olympic and Paralympic Games of all time

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