Sunday, August 10, 2008

One World, One Nightmare

I dreamt I saw thousands of people moving in unison in circles. I dreamt they were so numerous that the incredible speactacle looked as ultimately unconvincing as CGI. I dreamt I saw children singing songs so simple (so not made up by children) they were bland and charmless - We plant trees, we sow seeds, the land turns green. The air turns brown. We wear masks. I dreamt I saw teenage girls swaying for hour after hour as country after country filed past, filming the filmers on their made in China handycams. Getting tired? Keep swaying happily girls or it's the labour camp for you. Meanwhile back in the labour camp, some months earlier: OK, lads, here's the choice - break rocks or learn this little dance. I dreamt I saw some other lads goose-stepping in black boots. Tanks filing past, missile launchers, fly-bys. One world, one dream. One tank, one student. Meanwhile, some miles away: 150 tanks roll into Georgia. Georgian army 11,320 - Russian army 395,000. Georgian population 4.63m - Russian population 140.7m (though due to halve by 2050). Georgian military expenditure $380m - Russian military expenditure $59,100m. How much did this spectacle cost? How much does China spend on education per year? I dreamt I saw no flag from Tibet. I dreamt I saw unison not unity. I dreamt I saw bird cages in a bird's nest. People moving in small circles. I dreamt of the Mordillo cartoon I cut out as a kid. "We're all different!" shout out the identical looking mass of people. "I'm not!" shouts out one of them. One party, one line. I dreamt I saw something which sub-consciously summarised what others fear.

In 2012 to follow these people making a spectacle of themselves, partying to the tune of the Party, London must be itself, tune in to its idiocyncratic, eccentric, spirited creativity (one thing that cannot be manufactured); its rich mix of cultures and peoples; its unique, particular, genuine handmade in Britain talent; its individual dreams which thread the tapestry of its Jerusalem spirit.


Douglas Miller said...

Good Arkangel. Very, very good indeed. London, must indeed, be itself. In fact, why not have an opening ceremony at all?

I was in Gori, Georgia four weeks ago and 25k from Tskinvali. It was simmering then. I am pro-Georgia and have many good friends there but I think that Saakashvili has made a very, very big mistake.

All this talk of 70% of South Ossetians having Russian passports is ludicrous. Most of them have been given them in the last few years - probably without asking. You get my drift...

Douglas Miller said...

I love you
You love
We're one big happy famileee

I see that one of the chinese girls was miming.

ArkAngel said...

How did Saakashvili make such a misjudgment? The Russian Anschluss is deeply disturbing.

Douglas Miller said...

Well - my view is that it must have been suggested to him that 'now' was a good moment i.e. first day of the Olympics. The Americans have been very keen to strengthen their presence there.

While I was there the Russians had flown jets in Georgian airspace with a kind of 'whatcha gonna do about it' attitude attached - they had been provoking for a long time.

A weird situation could now ensue where Russian and American troops are occupying the same country. The Russians are controlling the critical port of Poti which paralyses the Georgian import/export economy.

It doesn't help that Saakashvili, although elected, is a similar style president to Putin/Medvedev.

ArkAngel said...

Just been listening to a radio programme about 1968 (Prague and all that) - plus ca change...