Friday, January 11, 2008


Notes for a movie by Albert Camus & James Cameron

We are biological machines programmed only to survive.

We are born condemned to death.

To survive we must not take that ludicrous condition lying down.

We must rebel against it with kindness (as in 'mankind').

We need to learn to live in the present to maximise our own happiness.

That happiness must be available to the whole of our kind as a context for our individual happiness.


ArkAngel said...

'Ludicrous', I have just read, derives from the Latin for 'stage play' (I was guessing it had to do with games and playing) which is just right for a writer who started out in the theatre and set such great store by it. Mankind as an actor on the receiving end of a scriptwriter, however absurd and nonsensical, was a theme through his thinking.

Douglas Miller said...

And man derives from the anglo-saxon word 'manne' which referred to men and women. They did not differentiate.

ArkAngel said...

Something like 'Mensch' in German I suppose