Sunday, April 01, 2007

Small World - yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry

Bumping into my bro and kids at the Arena sculpture outside the National Theatre by chance - then into Anne Hooper and Phillip Hodson outside the Festival Hall also by chance - that occasional feeling that London's not so big

On the same theme, watching a street performer in the piazza at Covent Garden with D who was enraptured - a fellow Moblogger it turned out was watching the same comedy knife-throwing

Chatting with my down-the-street neighbour Tim (as he polished his black Porsche, the latest in a long line of fine cars he seems to trade as a business - his own black Maserati is the most beautiful in my eyes, for that little bit of subtlety and restraint)

John Maine : "Arena" 1983-88 (Portland stone) - which I watched the artist build
courtesy of Pomphorhynchus

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