Sunday, May 31, 2015

Yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry - Barcelona

Thanks yous from D

Vestiges of Barcelona Olympics 1992 around the stadium (in the aftermath of AC/DC)

Stumbling across 3 Gaudi buildings

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Recent Happiness Experiment entries - Barcelona: from colours to black

Fri 29 May / Maig - Music day

Hearing Back in Black (AC/DC) drifting across the night-time city

Listening to sitar music at sunset near Arc de Triomf

A perfect lunch (with backgammon) in a hidden square dappled with sunlight accompanied by two real mccoy flamenco singers

Thurs 28

An old-school games shop where D bought Civil War playing cards and I bought a wooden mini backgammon set

Discovering atmospheric back streets of Barcelona near the cathedral

Photographing together with D and passing on tips

Wed 27

Pulling off a good talk (Docs Barcelona)

Afternoon coffee with D on a palm-lined avenue, rounding off initial explorations

Catalonian custard - Crema Catalana

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Creative Accounting #409

Alan Ladd = Edward Norton

Starspots #389


Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall (HFR)
Alastair Campbell (Horseferry Road)
Ed Miliband (Broadway)
Trevor McDonald (New Scotland Yard)