Sunday, January 27, 2013

NYC 4 - Today's Happiness Experiment entry

Catching the last rays at Liberty Landing with a view of Statue of Liberty

Breakfast at a diner reading Hitchcock's Blonde - Star at 18th

Walking up and down the Highline in winter sunshine

Yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry

Seeing the 5th Skrik (Munch) at Moma and comparing it to Starry Night

Photographing travellers at Grand Central

Getting angles on the Empire State and Chrysler buildings

Creative Accounting #311

Highline / NYC = Parkland Walk + canals / London

Creative Accounting #328

Skrik / anxiety X swirls = Starry Night / wonder X swirls

NYC2 - Yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry

The cute waitress in the vest at the Coffee Shop, Union Square

Hitting the treadmill NYC style

Browsing in Barnes & Noble - an endangered pleasure

Saturday, January 26, 2013

New York 1 - Thursday's Happiness Experiment entry

First visit to the Highline (southern end)

Diner breakfast over the NY Times near Chelsea

Picking up the Impact Media Award: Best Digital Program on behalf of the Live from the Clinic team

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry

Tues 22nd

Arts Council gathering with Anthony

Tour of RCA by Neville Brody post Big Art Mob meeting

N getting A* in his Antony & Cleopatra exam - getting the news from him by phone on the bus

Today's Happiness Experiment entry

The green Parrots on the Run in the tree beside the eucalyptus

Listening to George Benson (Tenderly) pissed on red wine on the plane to New York - first time there since Nov 07

Getting emails about everyday stuff from N - and leaving articles for D on his bed

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Weekend's Happiness Experiment entry


Watching 'It' (1927) with Clara Bow at the Phoenix introduced by Kevin Brownlow and accompanied by Stephen Horne

Sunday afternoon purchase at Black Gull - Hitchcock's Blonde by John Hamilton

Running easily through St Pancras cemetery


Breakfast with the Enfants Terribles after my run

Going to see Life of Pi with D after reading it together

Chatting to N about rap and music whilst sorting out my CDs

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Today's Happiness Experiment entry

Reading Time Out

Listening to In Our Time on The Wasteland

Chatting to Keiichi M about the future

Yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry

Watching beginning of Lincoln with D and discussing the politics and history

Chat with John at the garage

SIG for NYC trip

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Today's Happiness Experiment entry

Annual photographic portrait competition exhibition at National Portrait Gallery

Haircut with Keiko and GQ

JAG's birthday gig at Jazz Caff (Yolanda Brown and Go Jazz) - 30th anniversary of our friendship

Yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry

Lunch with N at Rugoletta

Dinner at Leafy's with Bella, Tessa and Bernard

Working side by side with N

Friday, January 04, 2013

Delight quote

Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it. If change is of the essence of existence one would have thought it only sensible to make it the premise of our philosophy.


No resolution(s) this year - just a focus
on Service
in broad terms
and in the context of relationships

‘His service is perfect freedom’ (from the Book of Common Prayer)
"O God, who art the author of peace and lover of concord, in knowledge of whom standeth our eternal life, whose service is perfect freedom;"
 ‘Whom to serve is perfect freedom’ (St Augustine)

But I don't mean this in this kind of religious sense - I'm thinking in a more Human or Humanist sense.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

New Year's Happiness Experiment entries

Thurs 3rd Jan 2013
  1. Chips and ketchup on the walk home in the glow of the Christmas lights
  2. Brainstorming sesh with Gill about Photography
  3. Working on analysis of The Space

Wed 2nd 
  1. Long afternoon chat with JRT in dark, rainy Hampstead
  2. Watching Restless with U & N
  3. Reading The Yellow Birds

Tues 1st Jan 2013
  1. Walk along Hertford Union Canal with Alfie & Ella, U & D from Broadway Market to Fish Island
  2. First run of the year
  3. The light at sunset - by Lower Bottom Lock