Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thursday's Happiness Experiment entry

Shelagh Fogherty's last show with Nicky Campbell on Radio 5 Breakfast - end of the second golden era

Canoeing round Lusty Beg in an Irish-built North American wood and fibre-glass canoe

Drawing one of the eight stone figures on White Island

Royal Wedding Day - Yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry

Watching Kate's wedding dress emerge (complete with Irish-style lace) with the staff of Lusty Beg

Drawing in the walled garden of Fountain Court near Enniskillen, lying on the well tended grass in the afternoon sun by a fountain

Jogging the length and breadth of Lusty Beg in the morning, no-one else to be seen

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lusty Beg - yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry

D lying on me on cairn by Drumskinny stone circle

Winning a round of drinks in the Lusty Beg pub quiz as The G-unit

The smell of cut grass wafting around the old gravestones in St Mary's churchyard, Ardess

Art Vandals

Music in the Tuileries Gardens - Manet
Man waved/hit with? walking stick
See Julian Barnes review of Manet retrospective in Paris - Guardian 16/4/11

Monday, April 25, 2011

Carlingford - Today's Happiness Experiment entry

Sitting reading outside Dan's Stonewall Cafe (The Heather Blazing)

Walking along the harbour in the evening with U

Reading The Brigade to N

Rush / Ros Eo - Yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry

Making the Creature of the Irish Lagoon with D on Rush beach at sundown (after a jog down together)

The sound of the low tide whilst in my headspace on my morning run

Walking the beach with U in the evening

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bob Geldof on Robert Elms (Radio London)

I get into this melancholic state, it's not a depression ... you can use it [depression] as an animus, I mean physical things can spark it like twilight - I get very edgy if I'm not doing stuff
If there's nothing going on I have to have a book that I just get lost in, somebody else's world
If you have an idea, this is the city to live in if you have ideas, I mean London is driven by the culture of ideas ... so this is the place to be if you want to be in music and the arts, that's my view, it's the most exciting city in the world, and I could choose to live elsewhere so I choose to be here

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Thursday's Happiness Experiment entry

Following up GTD/PWD with Steve

First shadowing day with Noah C

Booking Olympics tickets

To Ireland - Yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry

Reading The Heather Blazing (Colm Toibin) in the air above Ireland

Laying and playing on the beach at Rush in the evening

Watching Starsky and Hutch en famille

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Torquay - Today's Happiness Experiment entry

The sound of the steam train chuffing away from the beach at Paignton

N's rugby runs

The sight of orange sheep on a hillside

Torquay - Yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry

Finding out by chance that I'd met Pete H's mum unknowingly at Clive's QC do in the museum

Jogging down into the valley to the next village (Daccombe)

Walking along the beach-houses in Paignton beneath the gardens

Saturday, April 16, 2011

From Derry to Torquay - yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry

Randomly crossing paths with Alice Taylor and Cory Doctorow in some motorway service station near Taunton

Breakfast at the Beech Hill overlooking the pond and green bridge

Reunited with D after me being in Derry and him in Brixton

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Yesterday's Happiness Experiment entry - Antibes

Walking to le vieil Antibes, the square between the Musee Picasso and the cathedral

Dinner with the Maverick folk en plein air after the Digital Emmys

The hip bones of the girl on the jetty at the far-point of my run

Today's Happiness Experiment entry - Cote d'Azur

Picasso's Joie de Vivre (1946) at the Musee Picasso, Antibes

The birds chirping inside Nice airport departure lounge

The glaring sea off le vieil Antibes from the balcony of the Musee Picasso